The UPDATE command enables you to change the data in a table.

This page shows how to use this command in PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.


UPDATE rent_payments SET dollar_amount = 1000;

rent_payments table before

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 1 2000
3/2/2018 2 1500
3/1/2018 3 1800
3/3/2018 4 1900

rent_payments table after

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 1 1000
3/2/2018 2 1000
3/1/2018 3 1000
3/3/2018 4 1000

Multi column UPDATE

To update multiple columns, separate the columns you want to update with commas.

UPDATE rent_payments SET dollar_amount = 1000, tenant_id = 5;

rent_payments table before

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 1 2000
3/2/2018 2 1500
3/1/2018 3 1800
3/3/2018 4 1900

rent_payments table after

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 5 1000
3/2/2018 5 1000
3/1/2018 5 1000
3/3/2018 5 1000


UPDATE rent_payments SET dollar_amount = 1000 WHERE tenant_id = 1;

rent_payments table before

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 1 2000
3/2/2018 2 1500
3/1/2018 3 1800
3/3/2018 4 1900

rent_payments table after

date tenant_id dollar_amount
3/1/2018 1 1000
3/2/2018 2 1500
3/1/2018 3 1800
3/3/2018 4 1900


UPDATE rent_payments SET cost_category = ( CASE WHEN dollar_amount < 1600 THEN 'cheap' WHEN dollar_amount >= 2000 THEN 'expensive' ELSE 'average' END );

rent_payments table before

payment_date dollar_amount cost_category
3/1/2018 2000  
3/2/2018 1500  
3/1/2018 1800  
3/3/2018 1900  

rent_payments table after

payment_date dollar_amount cost_category
3/1/2018 2000 expensive
3/2/2018 1500 cheap
3/1/2018 1800 average
3/3/2018 1900 average